Years ago, it may have been unheard of to up sticks and opt for a simple life without the shackles of a house mortgage. That’s right, we’re talking about choosing to live on a boat, and trade grass and flower beds to having the sea as your back garden. Nowadays, people are becoming more open-minded and are opting for a simple life on a boat, and there are a fair few reasons as to why.
Health Benefits
We all know fresh air is great for our health, and admittedly, we probably don’t get enough of it. Living on a boat is a sure-fire way to get more fresh air, and enjoy both physical and health benefits. Clean air, a fresh perspective on life and plenty of exercise will do wonders for both your physical and mental health, not to mention help you relax, too.
Cost of Living
Living on a boat is a simple life and with it comes a reduced cost of living. All you really need to do is invest in high-quality marine safety products. These will keep costs down and provide pretty much all you need to start a new, safe life on a boat. Explore our range of boat chandlers and a ship chandler, too.
Less Materialistic Outlook
Sure, you’ll need your usual bits and bobs to keep any home in shape, but life on the sea can result in a much more simple lifestyle. When it comes to keeping your boat in tip-top shape, investing in marine supplies, and marine cleaning materials means you’ll be ready in no time, and don’t need half the items you need in a house.
When it comes to life on a boat, the world is quite literally your oyster. Being able to go wherever you please is not only great for your health but means you get to holiday a lot more than many others! If you have children, there’s no greater gift than to travel, and being able to show them the world is an unforgettable experience.
Looking for More Information?
Get in touch, we’d be happy to help! You can also explore our full range of online chandlery, as well as marine cleaning chemicals, such as a good quality cabin cloth, (essential for life on a boat!) to keep your home in tip-top shape.